Títulos e direitos

  • President (icon: crown)

Edit the fan club cover photo at any time.

Accept a new member in the fan club (if it is closed)

Promote as many members as you want to vice president.

Lower a vice president to member.

Expel any member of the fan club.

If you leave the fan club, you must choose a vice president to be the new president. If there is no vice president, you must choose a member to take his place.

If leave and return, the user will return as a normal member to the fan club.8- If you leave and you have no member or vice, the fan club will be deleted automatically.

Answer the quizzes to add points to your fan club.

  • Vice President (icon: star)

Accept a new member in the fan club (if it is closed).

Promote as many members as you want to vice president.

Expel any member of the fan club (can’t expel the president and vices).

If leave and return, the user will return as a normal member to the fan club.

Answer the quizzes to add points to your fan club.

  • Member (no icon)

Answer the quizzes to add points to your fan club.


To create a quizz just select the "+" button from the bottom right side on the fan clubs screen.

The goal of creating quizzes is to give fans the opportunity to score points.

The user can create any question with 4 alternatives of answer, 1 right and 3 wrong.

Only one who is an idol of a fan club can create a quizz.

The idol can create as many quizzes as he want.

A question already asked can be repeated, just select the question and click the "repeat" button.